End poverty in all its forms everywhere
The primary objective of SDG 1 is the global eradication of poverty in all its forms. The goal emphasizes the commitment to ensuring that every individual, regardless of their location or circumstance, has access to the means necessary to meet their basic needs and lead a life characterized by dignity and well-being. This includes addressing the multidimensional aspects of poverty, such as lack of income, access to education, healthcare, and basic infrastructure.
- By 2030, eliminate extreme poverty globally, defined as living on less than USD 1.25 a day.
- Halve the proportion of people, across all age groups, living in poverty by 2030, based on national definitions.
- Establish effective social protection systems, including coverage for the poor and vulnerable, by 2030.
- Ensure equal economic rights and access to resources, services, land, property, inheritance, technology, and financial services for all, particularly the poor and vulnerable, by 2030.
- Enhance resilience and reduce exposure to climate-related events and other shocks for the poor and vulnerable by 2030.
- Mobilize diverse resources, including through enhanced development cooperation, to support developing countries, especially least developed ones, in implementing poverty eradication programmes.
- Develop comprehensive pro-poor and gender-sensitive policy frameworks at national, regional, and international levels to accelerate investment in poverty eradication efforts.